Refunds and cancellations

    The order cannot be cancelled or refunded. The purchase of digital or custom made physical goods is not refundable. By digital goods it cannot be verified, if the goods that should be deleted from everywhere where they can be stored, when an order should be refunded/cancelled.

Physical custom products - the hoodies, posters, banners and any other physical custom products are made on demand, that means that every product you order will be produced for you custom way. That's why we also cannot acccept the refund requests in that manner.

Please doublecheck your cart/order before buying if that's the stuff you need!

This information is also placed in every product description page in our shop - you won't miss it. 

Those conditions are not dependent from payment method or product type - there are no refunds or cancellations in our shop. It is all set up to prevent our job and values against theft and extortion.

However, if there is ny problem or consideretion about your order - let us know! We will discuss any other way to figure the situation out.

We are willing to provide a world-class, highest quality Services to our Customers, and really hope that in any matter we will be able to resolute any dispute that may occur. Meeting any issues you are kindly asked to contact us : The more the more accurate the description of the issue will be, the easier it will be for us to respond to your opinion in shorter time.

Any problems met? Contact us! We are always willing to improve - all feedback is always welcome.
Just email us:

Greetings, Team

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